Led by Cleisthenes, Athenians established what is generally held as the first democracy in 508–507 BC. Cleisthenes is referred to as "the father of Athenian democracy."
You didn't provide possible answers, however, the sturm un drang movement centered on rejection of all things traditional, aesthetic, rational, related to the enlightenment period, or anything similar. They wanted to completely break themselves free from all tradition, so if anything fits the description then that is your answer.
Which phrase best represents the U.S. principle of republicanism? The Declaration of Independence refers to King George III as a "tyrant" and "unfit to be the ruler of a free people." What is one way that the U.S. Constitution prevents government leaders from becoming tyrants?
<span> do not know what you definition of "end of the century" is, here are the phases of development of the German economy since WW II: </span>
<span>after introduction of German Mark in 1948/1949 until 1973: "Economic Wonder", high growth rates, decreasing unemployment to the point where we hired foreign workers from Italy/Greece/Portugal/Spain, </span>
<span>1973: Oil shock and stagflation: growth rates reduced to 2 - 3 % average until 1990, high inflation which went down by the end of he period to 2 %, rising unemployment up to 8 % </span>
<span>1990: Re-Unification with Eastern Germany triggered a short term high growth rate, but also unemployment increased to nearly 10 % by end of century, economical growth GDP around 1 - 2 %, </span>
<span>significant increase in government debt and deficits as huge investment in East German infrastructure and retirement/health care/ unemployment system. By the end of the century Germany was considered "the sick man of Europe". </span>
<span>From 2002: "Agenda 2010" with major labor market reforms lead to higher employment (today around 6 %), and significant reduction in deficit: today just 8 bn $ and growth rats 2 - 3 % per year.</span>
It is B because The fascist leaders in Germany and Italy want a war to test their new strength, appeasement by the British and France gave Hitler time to prepare his wartime strategy, and Invasion of China lead to the Japan joining the war. Actually, for B it is that Germany invaded Poland which technically started WW2