Greater is he that is in me then he that is in the world is a scripture in the bible found in 1 John 4:4. When they say "he" in this part of the scripture they are talking about the "holy spirt" witch technically for Christians means "god". So if your a Christian and you believe in the "holy spirt" it's saying like basically if "god" is in you then what much more shall your heart want? Why do you want the world when you got "god" on your side nothing can ever compare to the love that god has for you. No one can ever satisfy you only "god" who is "in you". I believe that this passage from the scripture is meant to give Christians a sense of hope I guess you can say because like I said what more shall you want (desire) "god" fulfills your greatest desires if you give him all you are!
I explained this as easy as I can and I hope it makes sense !