I believe life is a test. We are always being tested by god every day of our lives. We always get multiple options and there might not always be a "right" answer but there is always a wrong answer; it is up to us to decide which is the BEST answer for ourselves. We are here to be challenged; god is challenging us everyday to see how strong we are and long we can stay strong. You should never give up whenever anything comes in your way. I have been through alot and I still am but I keep saying that I need to try no matter what and choose the best options for me. We all have a different purpose; we just need to figure that out oursleves. So there is no exact answer because everyone has a different purpose. It is YOU that gets to decide that. But it is god that gives you challenges to see what you can acheive and if your willing to quit right away or not.
A positive digital footprint is like having a business like Walmart and you have good reviews online. You are trusted and make business. This is important because it shows you are trustworthy and you are legit. If you have a bad digital footprint or none at all then you won't be known and you won't make any money.