1. C
2. A
1. After being cured by the physician, the King showed him gratefulness by making him rich, as he had promised. This however <u>didn't go unnoticed by the grand-vizier.</u>
The author proceeds to tell us how avaricious, greedy the grand-vizier was and uncovers his <u>plans to destroy Douban</u>.
<em>He grew extremely jealous of the physician, and determined to bring about his ruin.</em>
This sentence announces that the plot will continue through the grand-vizier's evil actions.
2. The vizier's jealousy leads him to speak against Douban to the King. But the King is not easily fooled. <u>He understands the bad intentions of the vizier</u> and expresses no doubts concerning the man that had cured him.
In order to criticize his greedy vizier, the King quotes a replica made by the king Sinbad's vizier: <em>one ought not believe everything that a mother-in-law says</em>.