estos últimos días he estado de vacaciones en ecuador,la verdad es un sitio muy bonito y tranquilo para un viaje familiar,estuvimos en muchos sitios pero el mejor sin duda fué la casa de mis primos José Fernando y María Luisa,los cuales siempre son muy amables conmigo,estuve con ellos durante los últimos días y me hicieron sentir como en casa.
Ahora la verdad es que echo de menos todos los recuerdos que he traído conmigo,pero los recordaré siempre.
if i gotta be honest i didnt read everything you wrote but this is a text talking bout a trip to ecuador bringing up how u felt on the last days and w correct spelling,xoxo
if u r thanful follow me on ig uxiarial_
If it is translate to English then it is "Did the chronicles contribute to the formation of a Latin American literary identity?"
Please put me on brainlest if its right.
mother husband brother mother-in-law cousin aunt curiada brother niece wife Father in law grandfather grandmother uncle cousin from Bart from Maggie c) Homer is d) Bart is by Hardy by Selma Margie from Maggie of say by Ling by Margey by Homery e) Patty is Marge is g) Mona is h) Clancy is Ling Homer's by Mona of Abraham of the by Narge by Ling Herb is Maggie is by Barty by Selmay
Umm this is what that says but i dont know the question
have a great day!
False lol i dont know what you are trying to say or do but what is the point of giving out questions if you know the answer to it?
Lo primero que ustedes <em><u>deben</u></em> hacer es empezar poco a poco. ROSA ¿Cuántos días a la semana <em><u>nos aconsejas</u></em> tú?