The first industrial revolution took place in the 1800's. The factories opened up in the cities, creating new jobs for people. People moved from the plains, to the cities to get these jobs - false is the answer
Science and Religion most people forget that science would not exist without faith. The Book of Gods was the first piece of literature that humans read. And, as many people forget, Islam is the major foundation of science. With Islam, you begin to learn about the Cosmos, you enhance your health, and you discover more about your mission. Why does Allah (God) mention the bee and emphasize its importance in the Quran, for example? We discover later in the twentieth century that we require Bees to pollinate our flowers and plants in order for the world to function; without Bees, how would the natural world function?
Because I am unable to post citations, you will be responsible for doing so.
C and D are correct, but I believe the answer that its looking for is D.
please mark as brainliest?
The act passed in both the Reichstag and Reichsrat on 23 March 1933, and was signed by President Paul von Hindenburg later that day.
How are the Supreme Court Judges are selected?
The Chief Justice of India and the Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President under clause (2) of Article 124 of the Constitution. CHIEF JUSTICE OF INDIA : 2. Appointment to the office of the Chief Justice of India should be of the seniormost Judge of the Supreme Court considered fit to hold the office