Various names have been applied what is known as the Vietnam War. These have shifted over time, although Vietnam War is the most commonly used title in English. It has been variously called the Second Indochina War, the Vietnam Conflict, the Vietnam War, and Nam. In Vietnam it is commonly known as Kháng chiến chống Mỹ (Resistance War against America).
The ground surface temperature was 130 degrees Fahrenheit
He spent so much money that he actually lowered the value of Cairo’s currency.
The "American standard of living" completely transformed during the mind-twentieth century,
specifically the 1950s. It was a decade of reverence for the esteemed economic system of capitalism
after a decade of horrendous war. Coming out of the Second World War, the 1950s symbolized a
new period of ultimate economic expansion, relatively stable costs and prices, and a lowering
unemployment rate- all leading up to a "golden age of capitalism" and an increased "American
standard of living". (Foner 991) This increased standard of living only came through however, due to
increasing wages for the common man and average citizen. Between 1946 and 1960, the nation's
gross product was merely doubled and because of that, this new generation of Americans was finally
better off than their parents and previous ancestors. As Foner points out, "about 60 percent of
Americans enjoyed what the government defined as a middle-class standard of living." (991) In all
facets of life, nutrition, shelter, income, education, and even leisure, the majority of Americans were
better off. Most of these middle-class Americans now had money to spare, or used that money to
enjoy the finer innovations that came along with this new standard, including television, airconditioning,
and even air travel. In the end, not only did the poverty rate in America decrease during
this decade, but also the basic standard of living for the average American was drastically advanced