An accurate description of the English language at present is - According to the Global Language Monitor, there are over one million words in the English language today. So the accurate option is Option B.
Out of all the other languages around the world, it is the English language that has the largest vocabulary. That’s what the Global Language Monitor pointed out – over a million words! This is the most widely used language and there are about a billion speakers around the world including people who speak English as a foreign language. The evolution of this language started long back - moving from its not so clear beginnings to its celebrated status as a truly global language.
Answer:Jimmy Wells arrested Silky Bob beacuse he was very true to his job as a policeman and because Silky Bob was a big criminal even though they were friends.
For being on the stronger side, because i knew we were using our strength unfairly
simply it's obviously about taking advantage of someone or people with lesser power.
C) These vessels were found in Spain, and are believed to have been created by the Spanish peoples around 3000 BCE.