They are looking for the treasure the woman left behind after robbing many banks, in the present they made juvinile kids dig holes as punishment for doing bad things, the greedy camp runner wanted the treasure since she was a little girl and even during the time the lady buried the treasure, people were looking for the treasure too. At the end the two boys stanley and zero found the treasure after digging up the hole they found the bullet shell in.
collaboration, joint action, combined effort, teamwork, partnership, coordination, liaison, association, synergy, synergism, give and take, compromise
Dally was charged with first degree murder, kidnapping, and conspiracy I believe.
Great book and good luck! Hope this helps you out ;)
C. Wind-Wolf is smart,but his culture teaches things in a different way
1. disheveled (meaning unkempt, messy, hurried, etc)
2. infuriated (mad, angry, ticked, etc)