Un nucleótido es el componente básico de los ácidos nucleicos. ... Un nucleótido consiste en una molécula de azúcar (ribosa en el ARN o desoxirribosa en el ADN) unida a un grupo fosfato y una base que contiene nitrógeno. Las bases utilizadas en el ADN son adenina (A), citosina (C), guanina (G) y timina (T).
D. When you are analyzing DNA of organisms
Cladistics is focused on tracing common ancestors, which relies not only on physical characteristics but also DNA evidences. Cladistics is also known as modern taxonomy. Linnean taxonomy is more on the physical characteristics, which is also called traditional taxonomy. As technology progressed so did taxanomic categories, which allowed researchers to compare DNA to determine similarities in seemingly unrelated animals.
the challenges they would expect to see is the plants not having water or air
planted need water to have photosynthesis and since theres no water in space and little to no atmosphere the plants would suffocate
having exactly the same DNA sequences, twins start accumulating genetic variation from the earliest stages of development, researchers at Iceland-based company deCODE genetics found, meaning that one twin harbors variants that aren't present in the other.
glacial landforms
Glaciers cause erosion by plucking and abrasion. Glaciers deposit their sediment when they melt. Landforms deposited by glaciers include drumlins, kettle lakes, and eskers.