Some heart arrhythmias do not need treatment. Heart arrhythmia treatment is usually only needed if the irregular heartbeat is causing significant symptoms, or if the condition is putting you at risk of more-serious heart problems.
Mendel called a trait that seemed to disappear in the first generation (f1) a recessive trait.
that's not a good idea, most teachers search the web to check for plagiarism, and if they did they would see this question. but I'd say to go over the main facts, such as their diet, their ecosystem, and animals that prey on them. then add a few facts as space fillers if you need to.
Gay Lussac's Law - states that the pressure of a given amount of gas held at constant volume is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature. If you heat a gas you give the molecules more energy so they move faster. This means more impacts on the walls of the container and an increase in the pressure.