The Navajo code was created by Philip Johnston. His father was a missionary, who spent years on a Navajo reservation, allowing Philip to grow up in contact with the language of the Navajo people, which made him learn this language fluently. The Navajo language was very complex, difficult to pronounce and write, which meant that very few people in the world, apart from the Navajos, could understand and learn that language.
Thus, the Navajo language became ideal for messages to be transmitted during the Second World War, without the enemy's army being able to decipher it.
The Navajo code was assembled by a set of Navajo words, where each word symbolized a phrase or other words in the English language.
An example is the word SO-A-LA-IH. In Navajo, this word means "star", but in the Navajo code it symbolized that the message provided was destined for Brigadier General Americano, since his insignia was a star.
Okay I will be attending it!
the Dalai Lama spiritual leader
Out of Africa theory
This theory is supported by modern research that early primate life begun in Africa and later spread to other parts of the world. several prehistoric sites have been unearthed in the East African region which supports these assertions.
He is in "intuitive thought".
A sub-stage in Piaget's Preoperational stage is Intuitive thought sub-stage,
which traverses ages 4-7 years. Youngsters in this stage of advancement learn
by making inquiries, for example, "Why?" and "How?" Piaget
named this "intuitive
thought"<span> since he
trusted that kids at this stage have a tendency to be so sure of their insight
and understanding that they are unconscious of how they picked up this
information in the first place. </span>