The correct answer is C) studying his individual experiences and arriving at a broad generalization. Paul Feldman quit his job as economist and started selling bagels at his former company and other workplaces based in an honor system. He left bagels and doughnuts in boxes and a tray for the money, he would later pick up the leftovers and the money. While he identified factors that increased or decreased the rate of people stealing, he came to the conclusion that most of the people, around 87% are honest and won't steal. Key factors for stealing included big offices, bad weather, holidays and unhappy employees. Key factors for being honest included smaller offices, good weather and a close connection to the person selling the food.
At the end his conclusion was that good people will be good no matter the circumstances and bad people will steal no matter how good the company they work for. Paul F has hope in mankind as his 20 year career selling bagels has demonstrated most people are good.
His son and his son's wife were disgusted at this, so the old grandfather at last had to sit in the corner behind the stove, and they gave him his food in an earthenware bowl, and not even enough of it. And he used to look towards the table with his eyes full of tears. Once, too, his trembling hands could not hold the bowl, and it fell to the ground and broke. The young wife scolded him, but he said nothing and only sighed. Then they brought him a wooden bowl for a few half-pence, out of which he had to eat.
Relieve, naive, sleeve, conceive, achieve, leave, eve, grieve, we’ve
um.. things are way different in storys than reality