Uncle Tom's Cabin was a novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe about slavery in the south. When people read it, they started to realize and be informed about what slavery was like, so more people started being opposed to slavery (because before this, people in the north tended to not care) and more people became abolitionists.
There are several reasons why monotheism was unusual in its time and place, but the main reason is that the major cultures such as Greece had been polytheistic.
What are you talking about my guy? Or girl?
Woodrow Wilson of America had been genuinely stunned by the savagery of WW1.
In America, there was a growing desire for the government to adopt a policy of isolation and leave Europe to its own devices. In failing health, Wilson wanted America to concentrate on itself and, despite developing the idea of a League of Nations, he wanted an American input into Europe to be kept to a minimum. He believed that Germany should be punished but in a way that would lead to European reconciliation as opposed to revenge.
Georges Clemenceau of France had one very simple belief - Germany should be brought to its knees so that she could never start a war again- also for revenge as Germany had attacked France a few times.
The British public was after revenge and Lloyd George's public image reflected this mood. "Hang the Kaiser" and "Make Germany Pay" were two very common calls in the era immediately after the end of the war and Lloyd George, looking for public support, echoed these views.
The hope of finding mineral treasure was one of the incentives that led the early colonists to America and they were quite diligent in searching for metals. All along the Atlantic Coast, almost immediately after the first settlements, discoveries were made of silver, lead, copper, iron, tin, antimony, coal, and other valuable minerals; but, they were found generally in small quantities;