There are more people who are governed than who does the government. Governing with people's liberties is what makes the country thrive along with its economy and the conditions of the civilians livelihood. Additionally, impeding upon your publics rights for the sake of securing a kind of tyrranical rule over people, will always result in an overthrowing by the public.
there is a lot of cathlics in northern ireland and they wanted to be in charge more and out there more and the protestants wanted that to but the cathlics thought they should have it more than the protestants because they were thier first hopes this helps
We need to see the following to answer this....
Some cons about wetlands is you aren't allowed by law to build on wetlands. As for animals and humans, wetlands have many diseases in them so it's a big risk for animals and people. If i were to plan a wetland regeneration project id monitor its success by seeing if it is helping stop over-flooding, if our natural products have increased and as well as to see if animals are increasing or decreasing