Answer:1.Hamilton's world teemed with active, opinionated men and women. Some were local celebrities in his small but bustling adopted home of New York City; some were national figures; and a few were world famous. Hamilton worked, argued, and fought with them; he loved, admired and hated them. Some crossed his path briefly. Others were fixed points in his life. Still others changed their relationships with him as politics or passion moved them. The portraits in this exhibition show the important people in his life, and in his psyche.2Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804) is with us every day, in our wallets, on the $10 bill. But he is with us in another sense, for more than any other Founder, he foresaw the America we live in now. He shaped the financial, political, and legal systems of the young United States. His ideas on racial equality and economic diversity were so far ahead of their time that it took America decades to catch up with them. There is no inevitability in history; ideals alone -- even the ideals of the Founding Fathers -- do not guarantee success. Hamilton made the early republic work, and set the agenda for its future. We live in the world he made; here is what he did, and how he did it.
b and d
a. The Persians fought the Greeks, but lost.
b. Darius I and many other Persian leaders treated their subjects well and were very powerful
c. Persia was fine with letting its subject choose their religion
d. true.
Bearing in mind this passage, a) one way in which the Northwest Ordinance extended republican institutions into new territories was through the land rent to a settler and the proceeds were used to pay for schools. The ordinance encouraged this commitment involved with religion and morality. b) Another way that is not mentioned is that settled a precedent for federal support education, being the first national education law passed anywhere in the world. c) The Northwest Ordinance was the first and main conflict between them, because Native Americans were displaced across the Appalachians and the Midwest (today) and then, with the Ordinance they were promised decent treatment and education. However, many of them resisted and they stayed in their territories until the twentieth century.
b. John C. Calhoun.
The South Carolina Exposition and Protest, known as Calhoun's Exposition, was written in December 1828 by John C. Calhoun,
Calhoun was Vice President of the United States at the time when John Quincy Adams and Jackson were in turn .
This document, also known as Calhoun Exposition,
exposes Calhoun's doctrine of nullification and sets out the idea that a state has the right to reject federal law. It exposes the reasons for doing that and under which conditions.
Thus, any state has a legitimate right to set aside or strike down any federal law that that state has found to regard as unconstitutional with respect to the Constitution of the United States.