The anwer is Insecure/Resistant.
Insecure/Resistant children show distress when taken away from their caregivers. When this occurs, they will likely try to call the caregiver's attention by crying or yelling and, when reunited, they might show resistance. For this reason, this type of attachment is also called ambivalent.
women had greater freedom
highly self disciplined
required military training and service
An empire is considered as an oligarchy if it's controlled by a small group of people, not just a single king. Sparta has <u>2 Kings along with a group filled with 30 elders t</u>hat are responsible for its governments.
women had greater freedom
Compared to other women in Europe at that time, Spartan women had significantly more right and freedom. For example, the women of Sparta has <u>the right to own/inherit a property</u> while most women in Europe did;t. Their culture also did not require complete obedience toward the man of the household like other nations in Europe. Spartan women had the reputation of very controlling over their husband.
highly self disciplined
Combat ability was regarded as a factor to increase social status in Sparta. So most of the citizens were highly self discipline and conducted their own private training routine to rise over the ranks,
required military training and service
The military training in sparta started at the age of 7. They were required to be in service and not allowed to live with their wives until they reach the age of 30.
government regulations.
Within the field of organizational change, unplanned changes can come from a number of sources, many of them external to the organization. One of these are <u>government regulations</u>. These refer to a series of rules implemented by a government that all the related parties must follow, or risk being penalized for breaching them.
The Environmental Protection Agency is a federal agency of the United States government, which is tasked with protecting the environment. One of the main tools it has at its disposal is the creation of new regulations, as it has the power to enforce them. In this case, the stiffening of requirements for cleaning pollutants has a set date that all enterprises must comply with (2025), or face penalties. This is an example of a government regulation as an external factor of change for organizations.
<u>Cost center responsibility</u> reports typically focus on the flexible budget variance, which is the difference between actual results and the flexible budget.
The cost center is the responsible center where the manager is only responsible for controlling costs. It is his duty to track the expenses. The performance evaluation of the cost center is based on its flexible budget variance.
The flexible budget variance generally provides the difference between actual results and the flexible budget. The cost center is of two types:
i) Production cost center
ii) Service cost center
The production department, maintenance department, accounting department and human resource department together form the cost center.