Tree rings are annual growth rings and their thickness indicates how growing conditions were for that year. Index fossils in their type and frequency are indicative of the environment that those organisms grew in and how prolific life was then in that environment. Ice cores drilled through glaciers and ice sheets like in Antarctica tell us about such things as the concentration of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (as bubbles in the ice layers) and also about climatic conditions in glacial and interglacial periods.
Answer: language group
The word Bantu refers to a common language group.
Bedouin were an Arab camel nomadic people. Since they were nomadic, it meant that they would be scattered away from each other. several families however related to one founder often founded a clan. The ties were important for mutual benefits such as security, which was paramount, as the people lived in increasingly hostile environment. In addition,clan systems provided a base for social support for the elderly as the younger generation participated in trade.
History is not predictable; in many ways it can take on a life of its own. But sometimes, an individual's sheer presence is enough to bend history to his will. One such individual was Alexander the Great. Through his conviction, vision, mental dexterity, oratory, and superb physical endurance he was able to shape destiny, for himself and for the lands he conquered.
Even from a young age, Alexander showed maturity beyond his youth. His ability to conceptualize, anticipate, and take risks, was evident in his many victories. He persevered in Sogdia and in the Makran, hostile regions with vicious climates. Alexander maintained remarkable poise and exhibited leadership when all hung in the balance. When he took an arrow through the chest and another in the leg, he pressed on – the wounds only spurred him on to fight harder.