Get some 100 dollar fields
This is an example. None of this really happened. (I have a dog)
<em>"It was a crisp, cold, dark night if I remember correctly. I was rushing my parents out the door and into the car so we could go to the vet. Our cat got hit by a car a couple blocks away and someone brought her to the vet. I was relived because if our cat didn't have a microchip they probably would've taken my cat! I was so scared. My heart was beating super fast, my palms were sweaty. Anyway, as I got there my stomach sank. I hated the vet, the doctor, etc. The vet asked if we were the owners and then took us to the room he was in. He wasn't hurt too bad. He broke his paw, but he'll manage. Moral of the story, is I will never forget how scared I was."</em>
The first one, because it establishes the point of view. I hope i helped!
What Inference can be made?
We know its not that he is unaware of Romeo's troubles because he is clearly speaking of them. We also he is not the reason for his despair, he does not blame himself but only <em>describes </em>what Romeo appears to look.
Lastly, we find that he is not annoyed as the tone in his speech does not give context of this. He actually tries for a solution in lines 125 and 126.
So the answer is: He is very concerned about Romeo.
A Synonym is a word or a phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word of phrase.
A Antonym is a word opposite in meaning to another word.
A Homonym is each of two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings or origins.