Further angered, Unferth declares that either he or Grendel will die that night in the cave. Grendel, however, says that he plans to carry Unferth back to the meadhall unscathed. Unferth swears he would rather kill himself, but Grendel points out that such an action would appear rather cowardly.
is a 101-year-old poem that tells the haunting tale of a shadowy supernatural being beset by other ancient evil things. It's told in Lovecraft's recognizable way, where he says a lot of creepy things but doesn't actually tell you anything..
Smiling with enthusiasm, Sara, a confident young women, approached Jane and welcomed her to Oakdale. (second choice)
Hope this helped! :D
Underlined Word: Mincingly
Definition: The definition is someone who is very carefull, and dainty. Proper is another word.
Synonym/Answer: Dainty
. Chinese immigrants endured discrimination based on hatred.
Chinese immigrants faced discrimination based on hatred and racism. The Chinese Must Go started in the period of 1850s before federal border control established strict divisions between citizens and immigrants. Across decades, Chinese workers faced escalating racial conflict and unrest due to their alien nature which increases fear among the people of immigrants.