c. the argument contains relevant reasons supported with facts and data
Changing beliefs
Answering this again haha
Technology is helping people to ease on some hard work like welding but technology is disadvantageous like it has lead some people to forget that lord is the creator making them believe in technology
Inserting dialogue, or commentary is simple. Simply use quotation marks " " around what a person is saying, and then after that close off the sentence by stating who said it and how. For example: "I can't believe I won free tickets!", Anna exclaimed.
They have no map.
Sailors often used shorelines and islands to help them know their location because they have no map from which they got guidance. For example, an old sailor does not use map for traveling in the ocean due to its experience and some identification or symbols which he remembered that give him information about the way. These identification or symbols must be shorelines and islands because there is no other thing present in the ocean except these so the sailors used these symbols to know their location.