Economic Growth
Truman's economic policy sought to balance the federal budget through a combination of high taxes and limited spending; any budget surplus would be applied to the national debt. As the economy stalled, Truman in mid-1949 abandoned his hope for a balanced budget and gave some tax breaks to businesses.
Shark Meat Should Stay Legal In The U.S Because:
<u>~ Shark meat is not particularly popular in America because many species found off American shores are endangered and shark meat has also been known to contain high levels of mercury in some cases.</u>
the first president was George Washington
Reaganomics, Beirut, Russia (I'd argue that through détente and the arms control negotiations, this was achieved), Surgeon-General, Reagan, I'd say true - it's highly debatable, and communism continued for a few more years after its downfall, but ultimately it was the end of the system, and Saudi oil fields.