At first you must be sure that your business will produce a profit so you should check the market of the supply and demand and make sure that you won't fold up. Also your business have to bring you joy and pleasure. You should like what you do - it is the main point. If you don't like what you do it will never work properly.
In short and in general, formal language is the language you would use when talking to your boss or employes and informal language is the one you use when talking to a friends
The best that describes the B section is:
- It makes a shift to a minor tonality.
Let's understand what a tonality is all about.
<h3>Tonality </h3>
- Tonality, in music refers to the principle of actually organising musical compositions.
- The arrangement is done around the central note, the tonic.
<h3>George Handel</h3>
- George Handel was known to be a German-British Baroque composer.
- He was known for his anthems, operas, oratorios, organ concertos, e.t.c.
- He had influences from middle-German polyphonic choral tradition and from Italian Baroque.
Learn more about Handel on
cube is the correct answer
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The Three Need Theory or Learned Theory was developed by David McClelland in the 1960s. The theory of needs suggests that an individual's needs are met and fulfilled over some time and gets molded through experiences. He has defined three needs in this theory namely Need for Achievement, Needs for power, and Need for Affiliation.
The Need for Achievement suggests that motivations are driven with the purpose to achieve something. For example, a student who wants to score the first rank in the class is driven with the need for achievement.
The Need for Power is the second need in the needs theory. This suggests that a person's motivation is driven sometimes with a need to control people or have authority. These needs desire to control the decisions of others according to their desire.
The Need for Affiliation is the third and the last in the needs theory. This implies an urge to build interpersonal and social relationships; and the need to feel accepted in society.
So, the correct answer is option E.