Cari jawapan yang paling terbaik di Google awak tulis di situ "contoh pidato" ataupun "cara untuk menulis pidato" saya harap membantu...
Every human is bound to be respected and be given the right to do what is right and decide for himself. If these rights are violated, someone may result to do several things. Some of which is nonacceptance of the situation, rebelling, or does not even know what to do with the situation. A not-so-peaceful mind of an individual consequently leads to the chaotic community.
Soare dulce - epitet
câmpul înverzit - epitet
fumuri cenuși - epitet
valuri albe - epitet
lung troian - epitet
potopul de zăpadă - epitet
Answer: Alexandria says that people in the voting office use them to decieve and cheat. Most poll results are not even accurate