Groundwater is the body of water derived from percolation, contained within the soil, sub-soil and underlying rocks above an impermeable layer. The top layer of groundwater is known as the water table and it marks the permanent zone of saturation. Three appropriate ways for preserving groundwater are:
- Recycling groundwater for use
-Regulating the amount of groundwater used to water neighbourhood lawns
-Monitoring the chemicals used in fossil fuel extraction
Matter: Gases,plasma,melting &freezing, solids, vapor
Not Matter: time,sound,sunlight,heat,gravity
The process is called photosynthesis and it takes place in the chloroplast of a plant cell
The atomic mass is the weight of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
Frog temperature. Frogs are ectotherms, this means they gettheir heat from external sources. They are sometimes called 'cold blooded', but in fact they do not have cold blood, it is justregulated by their environment. In comparison, humans are endotherms and can maintain their body temperature at about 37°C.