On the mayflower they had to follow the mayflower compact, if that helps ?
The federal government will not grant funds without a balanced budget...I think
1. The British were trained soldiers.
This is quite a trick question indeed. Isaac Stevens had been appointed as Governor of the Washington Territory by President Franklin Pierce. He was also named Superintendent of Indian Affairs and was thus directly in charge of any official dealings with Native American tribes.
He did force several tribes to sign treaties with the federal government to cede their lands to it. Although he acted autocratically and in a very authoritarian manner, he did it in the capacity of the positions described above and as a representative of the territorial government has was its representative therefore the correct answer is “The territorial government” as he did not act this way out of a private initiative.
Answer: Reagan did not stop communism (communism never existed and its ideology is still here....there are many communist parties all over the world which is quite surprising and incredible) but practiced very well Kennan´s strategy of "containment". Communism itself underwent serious crises (1956 Hungary, 1968 Czechoslovakia, 80s in Poland) ...in 1980s there was a lot of dissatisfaction in the Eastern block, anti-communist opposition was growing and USSR became aware that reforms are necessary. Gorbatchev (from 1985) was really aware that the communist regimes are no longer sustainable. There were various factors.
Explanation: communist regimes exhausted themselves, nothing worked....economically and ideologically as well. That was something which helped very much to Reagan.