Location : Jordan, Who it invloves : Jordan, Can it be Solved : Yes
Many water pipes and tunnels in Jordan are leaky, and leave Jordan dry and ofently in a drought. The pipes are poorly planned, and the conditions end up cracking a hole or eroding the pipe. Billions of dollars have been sent from nearby areas to try to assist and fix the problem, but alongside the theft and leaky pipes, the water crisis continues.
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it has themes of doubling, meaning that he has two forms of one person and that can also be considered supernatural. it also has a sense of mystery revolving this secret that he must keep. the setting and atmosphere is gothic because it is dark and uncomfortable. the story shows the lack of control of man and the imploration of mercy. :)
Why are you going to Canada in June?
Shift in line 4 ("but")
Tone is something like humble, questioning...