(B) a descending convection current in the Earth's mantle
The connection between the sea floor and ocean produces a conventional current due to its waves
They have different bodily functions
Someone of different origin may have a different lifestyle which may affect there life expectancy
The name of the city in Macedonian, Serbian and Bulgarian (all local Slavic tongues) is Kumanovo (Куманово). In Albanian, it is Kumanova or Kumanovë. Kumanovo derives from the name of the Cumans, a western branch of Kipchaks, the tribe that invaded the area in the early 12th century.
Municipality: Kumanovo Municipality
Country: Macedonia
Named for: tribe Kumans
Clastic and chemical sedimentary rocks
Clastic sedimentary rocks form from the clustering together of weathered rocks, while chemical sedimentary rocks form from the precipitation or separation of dissolved minerals from water.