The great migration was a mass movement of African Americans during the first, and second, world wars. After being enslaved, and trapped in sharecropping in the Jim Crow south, African Americans were in a dire state of being used and taken advantage of, even after slavery had successfully been abolished. During the first world war, however, most white men were off in Europe fighting within the final year of the first world war. African Americans saw this as an amazing advantage to be able to break free of sharecropping and move farther north where there would be a greater chance for switching from agriculture to industry and factories. So, to recap, African Americans migrated north to escape sharecropping, escape the Jim Crow laws of the south, and become more advantageous in the industries of the north.
Happy to help! Please give me brainliest so that I can level up!
City-states in ancient Greece
They were called "Polis", every Polis produced enough to feed their population. They had their own institutions, laws, currency and army. The belief was that each Polis was protected by their own God, who should they owe respect and sacrifice.
They were ruled by an elite group whose authority was indisputable.
Examples of the two most important city-states that practiced oligarchy in ancient Greece
- Athenas: the government was form by the wealthiest. They were the owners of the land and they had the means to buy weapons to defend the Polis. They formed children in a fisical and intelectual ways. The society in Athena was divided into the
- citizens: divided between the rich and the poor
- metecos: foreing people who where not consider citizens, but they could pay taxes and be part of the army.
- slaves: men and women submitted to a master.
Athenian politics evolved to democracy
- Sparta: it was the rival city of Athenas. It was always ready to go to war. The military education started since childhood. They were forced to take a military politic in the face of constant need to dominate peoples submitted as a result of its territorial expansion.
The obsession with militarization was such, that newborn babies were checked to fulfill with physical patterns of a warrior, if they were not, they were slaughtered.
It was a government by the nobles.
Spartan society was divided into
- Ilotas: slaves without political rights, workers of the land
- Periecos: free farmers, but they must be part of the army if they are needed.
- Espartiatas: nobles, those who took part in politics
The two dates most often mentioned as “the beginning of World War II” are July 7, 1937, when the “Marco Polo Bridge Incident” led to a prolonged war between Japan and China, and September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, which led Britain and France to declare war on Hitler’s Nazi state in retaliation.
Hope this helped!
Good luck :p
Brainliest is greatly appreciated :)
~ Emmy
The Swedish Empire (Swedish: stormaktstiden, "the era of great power") refers to the Kingdom of Sweden's territorial control of much of the Baltic region during the 17th and early 18th centuries, a time when Sweden was one of the great European powers.[1] The beginning of the Empire is usually taken as the reign of Gustavus Adolphus, who ascended the throne in 1611, and the end as the loss of territories in 1721 following the Great Northern War. In Swedish history, the period is referred to as stormaktstiden, literally meaning "the Great Power era".[1]
After the death of Gustavus Adolphus in 1632, the empire was, over lengthy periods, controlled by part of the high nobility, most prominently the Oxenstierna family, acting as tutors for minor regents. The interests of the high nobility contrasted with the uniformity policy (i.e., the upholding of the traditional equality in status of the Swedish estates favoured by the kings and peasantry). In territories acquired during the periods of de facto noble rule, serfdom was not abolished, and there was also a trend to set up respective estates in Sweden proper. The Great Reduction of 1680 put an end to these efforts of the nobility and required them to return estates once gained from the crown to the king. Serfdom, however, remained in force in the dominions acquired in the Holy Roman Empire and in Swedish Estonia, where a consequent application of the uniformity policy was hindered by the treaties by which they were gained.
After the victories in the Thirty Years' War, the climax of the great power era was reached during the Second Northern War, when their primary adversary Denmark was neutralized by the Treaty of Roskilde in 1658. However, in the further course of this war as well as in the subsequent Scanian War, Sweden was able to maintain her empire only with support of her closest ally, France.[2] Charles XI of Sweden consolidated the empire and ensured a period of peace, before Russia, Saxony and Denmark started a concerted attack on his successor, Charles XII. After initial Swedish victories, Charles secured the empire for some time in the Peace of Travendal (1700) and the Treaty of Altranstädt (1706), before the Battle of Poltava (1709) finally brought the great power era of Sweden to an end.