The third. The words hound, grouse, poplar and stand are all nouns.
<em>To evaluate the effectiveness of an argument the reader needs to check if the read and evidences of the author are true and if the logic used in the argument is valid.</em>
The effectiveness of an argument will depend first in the premises, if they are true or false, in this stage you should check sources, facts and evidences to see how reliable is it. The second stage is to check the logic applied, many arguments had false reasoning, which make then invalid or what it is called logic fallacies. If an argument is valid but the premises are not true it won’t be an effective argument, is the premises are true but the logic applied is not correct it won’t be an effective argument too.
Selecting Your Texts and Your Prompt For this assignment you’ll be writing and then presenting about two texts, one non-literary "anchor text", one visual.
Line chosen from the poem is fair as a star has use of simile.
Four lines chosen from the poem are :
A violet from a mossy stone
half hidden from the eye!
Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky.
In the third line of this stanza, simile has been used because a comparison has been made in the poem using the word "as". This helps to understand the meaning that the poet is trying to make with more impact and gives them an example.