Some would argue the Soviet Union, while others say the US. It depends how you look at the question. There are certain things that prove it was the fault of one while some prove it was the fault of another.
Answer: C
Explanation: Because I'm taking the same test as you and I know the answer
Purtătorul principal al acestor păreri era istoricul britanic Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) care în opera sa „The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”[1][2] susține teoria declinului și căderii Imperiului Roman potrivit căreia acestea s-ar fi datorat:
For Rip Van Winkle, nature offers Rip a sense of freedom. Early in the story, he desires to leave his nagging wife and all the difficulties of modern, industrialized life behind. By escaping into the woods and living in nature, he feels he will be able to leave freely in solitude and peace. Nature, then, serves as a place where Rip can find harmony and personal satisfaction.
As a Massachusetts teen just chilling my life away ( literally bc theres a blizzard) i would have to say it was to make a puritan colony in the new world.