<span> 30% growth in GNP between 1922-1928
Automobile and automobile-related industries were booming and employed almost 4 million workers.
Unemployment was low between 1923-1929. Only about 3%.\
High purchasing power. People were spending money with their higher wages.</span>
Considering that the original 13 colonies were founded in the eastern seaboard of the country and that until the post WWII period the major population centers shifted from the East to the West of the country it is only natural and logical. Indeed, the eastern seaboard was the most industrialized and populated area of the USA for a long time and most immigrants entered the country through New York. Pennsylvania was also heavily industrialized and a major mining area.
With more immigrants pouring in every year, the potential for more criminal acts increased and to keep up, more prisons were necessary. There is also the huge factor of labor rights activism, which was criminalized by employers and judges in order to keep workers docile and submissive. Many strikers and labor unions were incarcerated as well and more prisons were needed for that purpose.
D. The office of the papacy was abolished.
The office of the papacy was not abolished during the Counter-Reformation, it was just reformed to attempt to eliminate any church corruption or heresy.
The popes during and after the Catholic Reformation, like Pope Paul IV and Pope Pius V focused on eliminating abuses in the church and decreasing appeals to Protestantism.
There was tension between Bosnia and Austria-Hungary because Bosnia didn't want to be part of Austria-Hungary