How you have any friends, I know not
But you have many, yes, a lot.
This is important because say they accidently spelled your name wrong, then someone else could be accused of a crime they didn't commit. Or even worse they could accuse you of lying about things on the police report when in all actuality it was just written wrong
The quote from "My Heart Is Bursting" most contributes to the assertive tone of Satanta’s speech is All the chiefs of the Kiowas, Comanches, and Arapahos are here to-day; they have come to listen to good words. I hope the answer helps.
I'd choose dark, inaccessible, and comfortless. The other words don't really pin down the tone ("draperies"? "General"?).
If i were the district of Attorney, i would need for example the daughter´s fingerprints in some surface where the money was stolen, a video that catches her stealing, a witness that expresses that has seen her taking the money, a big acquisition of something material that needs a considerable amount of money to get it.