You have discovered a cell type in humans that has an unknown function. The cells are found in the epithelium of the lungs. It a
ppears that upon stimulation these cells deliver a set of highly glycosylated proteins to the extracellular space. However, several individuals who are highly susceptible to lung infections appear to have decreased secretion of these glycosylated proteins. Which of the following would provide you with the best method of inhibiting this secretory pathway in a normal functioning lung cells with stimulation?a) decrease the amount of GTP to inhibit microtubule elongation and block secretionb) treat the cells with taxol to rid the cell of microtubules and block secretionc)treat the cells with nocodazol to stabilize the microtubule pathways for visualizationd)inhibit the GTPase activity of the heterodimer to cause microtubule catastrophe and block secretion
The correct option is a) "decrease the amount of GTP to inhibit microtubule elongation and block secretion"
Since microtubules play a critical role in transporting secretory vesicles, preventing it from elongating will keep it from performing this function. Completely eliminating the microtubules from the cell as suggested in option d will harm the cells and other processes in it because the microtubules also have an integral part to play in maintaining cell shape & structure.