Two reasons I support this claim are because high school students are already stressed and tired anough as it is, by the time they come home they just want to relax and not have to worry about anything like chores. My second reason is because students have so many activities and extracuricular sports and such that they have to study for or participate in, when they don't get their chores done their parents will usually get mad at them which adds on to the stress that they are already feeling.
I am currently speaking from experience and from conversations I have had with other highschoolers. Two possible counterclaims could be that students need to learn how to do household chores when they're young so they will be prepared for when they move out on their own and because some chores are easy small and simple things to do and it wouldn't hurt to pick up a few pieces of trash or to take the trash out. I would say that the first counterclaim while in some cases could be true is also wrong, because most chores you don't have to learn how to do. You don't have to practice taking the trash out or doing the dishes. And while it wouldn't hurt to pick up a piece of trash or do the dishes, a lot of parents have unrealistic expectations when it comes to chores. I would state my counter-counterclaims and provide more backup research/evidence as to why I am correct.
The answer is C, some activities clearly have more value than others
Typical teens spend $2050 on clothes a year.
"We feel, conceive or reason, laugh or weep;
Embrace fond woe, or cast our cares away."
The most acknowledged work of Percy Bysshe Shelley titled 'A Defence of Poetry' proposes that 'human emotions constantly change with their experiences in life' and thus, he believed that poetry must possess the ability to bring this change(to inspire and transform the reader). This idea is clearly reflected in the above lines of 'Mutability' i.e. 'we feel...cares away.'
These lines portray that human emotions constantly vary with their experiences as good experiences bring 'joy and laughter' while the sad encounters evoke 'weep or sorrow.' It suggests one can choose to either 'embrace' the 'woes' or let it go away. Thus, this collaboration of distinct emotions implies that human emotions vary with time and experiences faced by humans throughout their life.