#2 Which detail from the passage best supports the answer to question 1?- In paragraph 1, what can you conclude about the young
boy’s character that has the greatest influence on the events of the passage?1 One evening, when I was about five, I climbed up a ladder on the outside of a rickety old tobacco barn at sunset. The barn was part of a small farm near the home of a country relative my mother and I visited periodically; though we did not really know the farm’s family, I was allowed to roam, poke around, and conduct sudden studies of anything small and harmless. On this evening, as on most of my jaunts, I was not looking for anything: I was simply climbing with an open mind. But as I balanced on the next-to-the-top rung and inhaled the spicy stink of the tobacco drying inside, I did find something under the eaves—something very strange. A.) “This was no fruit or fungus.”
B.) “The troubling thing was figuring out who had designed it, and why.”C.) “We arrived at night, but first thing in the morning I made straight for the farm and its barn.”D.) “I sagged on the ladder and watched my breath eddy around the blank eav
The auther uses those details to paint a picture in your mind of what is going on in Madame Loisels life its saying that she is not really poor but also not really rich but she wants to be rich