From the picture of the honey locust bark, what can you guess about the spines? They are sharp.
Human resources are those people who have education ,knowledge ,skill and experience ,mental awareness and are rational thinkers .There are three types of human resources .They are unprofessional human resources ,semi-professional human resources and professional human resources
Unprofessional human resources are those human resources who lacks skills and training, for example cobbler ,potter,mason ,etc
Semi professional human resources are those human resources to have certain skills and training ,for example barber, carpenter, health assistant ,etc
Professional human resources are the group of people who are welltrained ,qualified and skilled in a particular subject,for example doctor, lecturer ,teacher ,etc
Reduce injury.
Using safety equipment properly in a car that cause injury, accidents and even death from happening. An equipment such as a seatbelt is a very important equipment to wear in a car and it is even against the law not to wear it. Such laws help to reduce risks of injury during any accident. Some other safety equipment include spare tyre, torch, extra batteries, fire extinguisher.