Even though Elvis Presley died in 1977, his music is still popular to this day, along with the fact that Graceland in Memphis was his home.
A: With the size harddrives we have, I can hardly imagine there were too many files. Not A
C: There is no such thing as too much hardware, particularly if you are talking about memory.
D: has the same answer as A.
The answer you should pick is B, but this is
- a very specialized question.
- You may not be alone in not knowing the answer. Malware is easy to get rid of.
The Literary device is PATHOS. It is a method of persuasion and convincing the audience with an argument that appeal to the emotions and feelings. In this particular statement, the author attempts to persuade the audience to get involve into the recycling program actively by appealing to their emotions and feelings towards the environment.
Mob mentality, herd mentality, pack mentality, groupthink, or crowd psychology — the concept has many names. These all boil down to the same idea: Individuals are influenced by a larger group. Regardless of whether that group includes people in your class, your neighborhood, or an entire nation, you may experience mob mentality.
In the 1950s, researchers conducted a famous conformity experiment that showed how readily people conform or change their behavior to match social norms. It involved: