Macbeth is not at peace because, in order to become a king, he murdered the previous king, Duncan. Not only does this murder make Macbeth consumed with guilt, but it triggers a series of events that make him feel more and more uneasy. Macbeth later murders Banquo, convinced that he also represents a threat to his power, while Duncan's son plots a revenge against Macbeth.
The title of the book relates to the story because Lennie is loves to pet mice. And, in a way, he has the intelligence of a tiny creature, like a mouse. ... The title of the book is very symbolic of Lennie and George's relationship.
a website describing Roberto Clemente’s influence on modern Pue
So in plot development, there are a few elements established early in the story themes, actions, situations, contrasts, whatever that have some sort of fictional potential energy, i.e. the reader/viewer will want to see what becomes of them.