I see it as difference between two of my 2 favourite contemporary works
Harry Potter - magical realism - takes place in our 'real' world with, I must say, substantial addition of 'magical' to it, but still, seen as normal by those involved
Lord of the rings - fantasy - whole different world.
I hope I explained it well..
I guess may be it will rain tomorrow
pair them to the corresponding
And then I felt smaller because the teacher
was taking roll and he called out my name. self-critical
No, I felt like a magician slicing myself in half,
with Junior living on the north side of the
Spokane River and Arnold living on the south. uncomfortable
"My name is Junior," I said. "And my name
Is Arnold. It's Junior and Arnold. I'm both." Incomplete
were no other people named Junior
in Reardan, so I was being laughed at because
I was the only one who had that silly name
the answer is b ;-; ello have a nice day
"Out of the helicopter something glided, something that was not human, nor machine or animal, not alive glowing with green-luminosity" My reaction to this being very shocked. It allured me into wanting to know what it was, wanting to read more of what was going to happen.
Sorry i could only think of one!