An opposite number is a number that is opposite than even numbers . a few opposite number is 3,6,9,12,15,18,21 and so on and so on
Also in South Asia, Pakistan joined
a trade alliance with the US and
others in 1954 designed to contain
the spread of communism.
Meanwhile, India became a key
player at the 1955 Bandung
Conference in Indonesia, which
encouraged new nations to avoid
taking sides with the US or the
USSR. The Cold War heated up
along the India-Pakistan border
over disputed territory in Kashmir
in 1965. When the United Nations
called for a diplomatic solution,
the US halted arms supplies to the
region. This worked in India's favor
as it already had a stronger
military. It was able to maintain
control over Kashmir after a
ceasefire, though the region
remains in dispute to this day.
Galileo discovered that the earth revolved around the sun not that the sun revolved around the earth.
Answer: Capitalism
Explanation: The capitalist system is based on private property and complete freedom in the choice of a type of business. Everyone has the guaranteed right to participate in the free market with his supply of goods and services, where the government should provide an environment and conditions in which everyone has equal rights. In this way, the government provides competitiveness, and in addition it also provides public goods within its public services and competencies. All other decisions on the amount of capital invested, the means of production, resources, are made by individuals or companies that own capital, and participate in the market in accordance with the law of the market itself.
The powers of the national government are limited