Serpent Mound crater, also known as the Serpent Mound Disturbance, is an eroded meteorite impact crater in Ohio, United States. It lies largely in Adams County, with the northern part mostly in Highland County, except for a small northeast part in Pike County.
They also resisted in more subtle ways, refusing privately to use names given to them by slave holders and maintaining their identity by keeping track of family members. Music, folk tales, and other African cultural forms also became weapons of resistance
To maintain a balance in Congress between the number of representatives who supported slavery compared to those who opposed it
Korea,Taiwan,Sakhalin, and Regions of Mainland China
Mafia organizations are more of a threat than terrorist groups because they modify democracies from within by introducing their illicit earnings into the legal economy. Their businesses defeat the competition because, by counting on these illegal parallel markets, they can lower their prices. Mafia assets also finance the banking, construction, and transportation sectors of the economy.