The development of microchip (or
integrated circuits) made computers more smaller, much faster, and more
powerful. Microchips allowed number of transistors to increase in chips,
doubling roughly every two years in accordance to Moore’s law. They are easier
to produce, requires less power, and costs lower. Microchips helped embed computer
in mobile PC’s, laptop, phones, watches, and even home appliances.
The Cold war has also affected us today by helping the West evade Communist rule; without intervention from The U.S. forces China and The Soviet Union might have conquered Europe and The U.S.. Finally, The Cold War helped form modern day friendships, alliances and hostilities between countries.
in the battle of Verdun Germany attempted to "bleed France white"
Pretrial procedures include pleadings, motions, and conferences. These are used to determine whether the defendant wishes to proceed, the charges pressed, and the date and time.
A grand jury consists of twelve people, and an unanimous decision must be reached by the jury.
Arraignment is the scheduled time of the court hearing.
A) She served in the senate for one term