This quote comes from a book that Trevor Noah wrote about a South African childhood. So this quote could be talking about being accepted as a black person. In my opinion, I think it means being accepted for who you are. Not just accepted by the law but also human beings because African Americans weren't accepted by white people for a very long time even though by law they were told to be treated equally.
Salamanders can regrow entire limbs and regenerate parts of major organs, an ability that relies on their immune systems, research now shows. ... They then wiped out some or all of the macrophage cells to determine whether these cells were essential for regrowing the limbs.
C. Repeated words or thoughts create a rhythm in a speech and reinforce the message.
Andy's poem reveals that he is depressed.
1. I will first Identify the claim. The claim is sometimes stated in a very general way, then elaborated on throughout the essay.
2. I will next examine the claim for qualifiers; words like "some," "many," "most of the time," etc. It can sometimes be damaging to an argument to omit qualifiers, particularly if there are also no exceptions provided. It is up to you as a reader to determine whether the writer's unqualified claim is damaging to this particular argument.
3. I will then examine the claim for an exception. After looking for qualifying words in the claim, the next step is to determine what the writer considers to be the situations in which the writer's claim doesn't apply. In other words, it is necessary to identify any exceptions the writer makes to her claim.