Answer: Alpine A) High Mountain Ranges
Tundra B) Alaska and Northern Canada
Grassland C) Central US
Deciduous Forest D) Eastern US
Desert E) Southwestern US
gained independence/equality internationally
- by winning two wars
increased military strength/power
(also involved in previous)
foreign trade improvement
- telegraph lines
- railroads
legal power
- had a constitution and law-making [parliamentarian]
and they adopted universal education
so, they essentially just speed-ran industrialization
hope this helps! :)
I am incredibly upset that my own family and friends were taken from me. I feel as though I have nothing left. I'd rather be with people I love and know, then be alive in this tribe withpeople whom I have never met. They look at me like they dont want me ti be here...
The resources that I used to trade with have been stripped from my very own hands. I have nothing, no name, no family-only this new meaningless life. They people here say that they are glad that I am here, but there face says it all. They glare at me and ignore me. Actions speak louder than words.