Before adding, we need to make sure the denominators are the same. We can do so by multiplying the fraction by a common multiple. In this case, 3 is a multiple of 6, so we can change 1/2 to 3/6. 3/6 is still equal to 1/2, so nothing changes.
Now we have 3/6+1/6, which is 4/6 (add the numerator).
4/6 can be simplified to 2/3 and 2 is a multiple of 4 and 6.
So, therefore, the answer is 2/3.
The first step u should do is (3+2)
Answer: I believe the standard deviation will remain the same, 6, choice A.
Step-by-step explanation: Standard deviation is calkculated based on the difference of each point from the mean. If 10 were added to each score, the mean would also increase by 10. That would mean that the difference between the mean and each score would be exactly the same, leading to an identical standard deviation. Sounds crazy, but that's what numbers do for a living.
Step-by-step explanation:
(2,6) = 4/20 = 1/5
answer is 1/5