Can you explain it better?
Simple sentence
A simple sentence contains a subject and a verb. It expresses a single complete thought that can stand on its own.
A compound sentence has two independent clauses. An independent clause is a part of a sentence that can stand alone because it contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. Basically, a compound contains two simple sentences. These independent clauses are joined by a conjunction.
Here "and" is used but not as a conjunction so it is a simple sentence.
I have written a Satire before What is yours about did you start it maybe I can help you if you do two paragraphs.
Tension and Suspense in Monkey's Paw The writer is able to create tension and suspense through various ways. In the opening sentence of the story we are given a brief description of the surrounding area. In gothic stories, they are usually set in a remote and isolated area, as in the ‘Monkey’s Paw’ it is set in a remote village were there is only 2 houses inhabited. ‘Without, the night was cold and wet’ sets the scene of the story. A gloomy background has been given
to set the atmosphere. This weather
is similar to the feelings of the main characters. This technique used
is called pathetic fallacy, when the weather resembles a persons
Answer: I do not believe homework has value.
I do not believe homework has value. Homework promotes negative emotion like stress, lack of self worth, and strain in the home.
Most kids in the United States have homework after school. Every day, children work 6-9 hours at school learning, just to come home and do more work. We all know how much kids need their sleep, so what happens to kids in sports? Or kids who need family time? Or just a break? This causes lots of stress on children.
Another reason I do not believe in homework is because if kids are trying very hard in school, why bother give them more work? I feel it is a bit different if a kid is really struggling in classes, but I feel that a teacher should then take initiative to help the kid rather than pile on more work.
Homework can cause strain in the home. In my personal experiences, my parents get frusterated when I have lots of homework to do because they want to spend time with me. If I skip homework, I’ll get in trouble for getting a poor grade. If I don’t skip homework, my parents will be frustrated that I cannot spend time with them. This can cause lots of strain in the home and add even more stress to the kids environment!
Overall, I believe homework does not do any good for kids. I think it is very harmful and stress inducing.