During the nineteenth century, Factory workers had it quite hard. The conditions were unbearable and are very dangerous. With dangerous vapor zooming around filling their lungs with dangerous chemicals. The eqiupment was most of the time dangerous and broken, which usally led to deaths.
I would say honesty, because people already thought he was very charismatic, that is one reason why he won the presidency.
[I'm not sure though, but that is the answer I would go with.] I hope this helps.
the answer is the last one
Scientists use Scientific Notation to write or display very small or very large numbers.
Guilds assumed a significant part in the monetary existence of urban areas. Each art, for example, leather experts, craftsmen, and bread cooks, had their own organization. The specialty organizations set the standers for a significant number of the items made. They likewise set the cost of the products. The societies additionally restricted the measure of individuals who could enter a particular exchange and the means they needed to follow to do the exchange.