The Aztecs and the Inca had simililar Gods, such as the Inca Viracocha and Aztec Quetzalcoatl, and they both believed in ritual sacrifices
Among the differences was that the Inca sacrificed the best of its children, first feeding them to fatten them up. For the Aztec, what was important is that the victim suffered, as they believed that the tears of the sacrificed children were important, and they made their victims suffer to make sure they cried.
It is not sure if Ibn al-Athir was of Arab or Curdish ethnicity, but it is agreed that he was one of the main writers and biographers of the Crusades Era, and one of the Great Historians of the Muslim World.
He was born in the Great Seljuq Empire, modern Turkey, and experienced all the wars and chaos brought by Franks in the Crusades, living in Mosul, Baghdad and Damascus, even travelling with Saladin through for a period.
So, despite for being one of the only authors of its time to show respect and admiration for some of the Frank´s qualities, his main work "The Complete History" (Al-Kamil fi al-Tarikh"), that aims at telling his history of the world, has obvious bias in favour of the Muslim cause.
Which can be observed in his accounts of the death of the Christian ruler of Tyre, in a way that could not be written by modern historians:
"In this year, on 13 rabi II, the Frankish Marquis, the ruler of Tyre-- God [email protected] him!-- was killed. He was the greatest devil of all the Franks."
Germany was part of the Axis^^
The date the United States entered the war = On April 6, 1917
The date of Treaty of Versailles = 28 June 1919
USA started fighting for it allies ( Britain, France, and Russia ) on April 6, 1917.
Over 2 million USA soldiers fought on the battle fields. US citizens were not in favour of entering the war. The date of the Treaty of Versailles is 28 June 1919 and it is the most important of the peace treaties that brought World War I to an end.