non-volatile and persistent in nature
Most of the cars or other vehicles in the United States regularly have tanks that can hold up to 12 gallons worth of gas. The price of gas in not consistent. Sometimes prices are high and sometimes prices are low. Just like to day the price of a gallon is worth $2.2. But in an average, gas costs $3.8 per gallons. Therefore, on a regular basis a standard American which can hold 12 gallons costs $46.2.
// Program is written in C++ Programming Language
// Comments are used for explanatory purpose
// Program starts here
using namespace std;
int main ()
// Declare Variable
int selection;
// Prompt user to make a selection of medium between air, water or steel.
cout<<"Make Selection"<<'\n'<<"Press 1 for Air"<<'\n'<<"Press 2 for Water"<<'\n'<<"Press 3 for Steel";
// Check for entry
if(selection == 1) {
cout<<"You selected Air"<<'\n';
cout<<"The distance travelled by sound wave in air is 1,125 feet in 1 second";
else if(selection == 2) {
cout<<"You selected Water"<<'\n';
cout<<"The distance travelled by sound wave in water is 4859 feet in 1 second";
else if(selection == 3) {
cout<<"You selected Steel"<<'\n';
cout<<"The distance travelled by sound wave in steel is 19554 feet in 1 second";
cout<<"Invalid Selection";
return 0;
124.59 in expanded form is:
100 + 20 + 4 + 0.5 + 0.09
Smaller down and monthly payments than leasing a car
Option A.
If you lease a car, then the amount of money that a person has to pay in the form of monthly payments and installments is less when compared to when a person owns a car.
When you own a car, the monthly payment made is more than the monthly payments compared to when the car has to be leased. This is the disadvantage of owning a car, that the payment is more to be made.